Thesis Topics

If you are interested in doing your thesis with us, please reach out via email to the relevant person. Your own ideas are also most welcome!

Open Thesis Topics

Title Type Contact
Automated cognitive assessment by social robots M.Sc. Barbara Bruno

Ongoing Theses

Title Type Student Supervisor
Multi-modal active user detection and command identification for service robots M.Sc. Vincent Pfaefflin Ya-Ting Yang
Socially Aware Navigation (SAN) M. Sc. David Krenz Ya-Ting Yang

Finished Theses

Title Type Student Supervisor
Design of a Human-Robot activity for the early literacy training of kindergarten children B.Sc. Jasmin Azafar Irina Rudenko,
Utku Norman (ITAS)
"How is it to be a human?" – Enabling a social robot to have open conversations with humans on fundamental topics B.Sc. Oliver Aberle Romain Maure
Privacy preserving feature extraction for HRI and effect on self disclosure B.Sc. Xiyu Zhong Romain Maure